Frequently Asked Questions

What should I wear during the massage?

We recommend undressing to your level of comfort during the massage. Most people undress to their underwear. All clients are covered with only the area being worked on exposed. 

How often should I receive a massage for optimal results?

The frequency of your massages will depend on your specific needs and health goals. For more severe cases of pain management, every week to every two weeks is best. For maintenance, every two weeks to monthly sessions is most common.

Is the therapist licensed?

Yes, our therapist is licensed and certified with extensive training and experience. Natalie carries three licenses in Massage, Esthetics and Nursing.

Does massage hurt?

Each therapeutic session is tailored specifically to the client. The therapist will work only to the comfort level that the client can handle. 

How do I schedule an appointment?

Click on any of the orange bubbles throughout the website to schedule an appointment. You will be redirected to the booking service. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email the therapist. She will respond within 24 hours. Every service is by appointment only. No walk ins available.